The Lazarus Pit: Toxik’s ‘World Circus’
July 22, 2021 Greg Pratt
Revisiting Toxik’s thrashtastic 1987 debut World Circus.
Ralph Santolla: 1969-2018
June 6, 2018 Emily Bellino
Ralph Santolla, who played guitar for numerous extreme metal legends, passed away on June 6.
Track Premiere: Toxik – ‘Stand Up’
July 10, 2017 Emily Bellino
Stream a new song from old-school thrashers Toxik.
Thrash Comebacks and Revisiting the Embarrassing Past – The Return of Toxik
February 21, 2013 Kevin Stewart-Panko
First thing’s first, bands: if you’re going to get back together and don’t want to have photos from your embarassing past dug up, the very least you could do is provide us hacks with at least one (1) recent picture. Otherwise, well…here’s a look at what New York’s prog-thrash conceptualists Toxik used to look like…