
Video Premiere: Sarin – “When You Melt” (live)

January 25, 2022

Watch the sunshine-soaked new live video from Toronto post-metal punishers Sarin.

Demo:listen: Ixaxaar Nexia

May 1, 2020

This week Demo:listen returns with proof of Ixaxaar Nexia, a new and extremely hostile black/death abomination discovered dwelling in Toronto.

Track Premiere: Tøronto – “Lights Out At Bedlam”

March 20, 2020

Ex-death metal Swedish heshers Tøronto throw a Scandinavian jawbreaker on “Lights Out At Bedlam” from their new EP, Under Siege.

Track Premiere: Ayahuasca Go to the ‘Mountain of Snakes’

September 2, 2016

Ayahuasca set a dark tone for their upcoming album on “Mountain of Snakes.”