
Video Premiere: Savage Lands – “The Last Howl”

November 14, 2023

Members of Megadeth, Obituary and Sepultura join forces on the new Savage Lands track, “The Last Howl,” in support of Costa Rica’s threatened howler monkey.

Sepultura – Schizophrenia

July 26, 2022

Sepultura‘s sophomore slasher Schizophrenia enters the Decibel Hall of Fame, as the band’s unprecedented fourth HOF induction

Five Heavy Albums that Changed My Life with Mike Thompson of Withered

June 24, 2021

To celebrate the release of Withered‘s new LP, Verloren, we caught up with vocalist/guitarist Mike Thompson to find out what five heavy albums changed his life.

Five Heavy Albums that Changed My Life with Mic Dion of Altered Dead

February 11, 2021

To celebrate the release of Returned to Life, we caught up with Altered Dead‘s Mic Dion to find out what five heavy albums changed his life.

Continue the Arise: Brazil’s Metal Scene Lives!

November 4, 2020

Writer/photographer/tireless scene advocate Jessica Marinho takes us on a guided tour of the bustling, burgeoning, extremely extreme Brazilian metal scene.

Fight Fire with Fire: ‘I.N.R.I.’ vs. ‘Schizophrenia’

October 22, 2020

It’s the big Brazilian 1987 showdown with Sarcófago‘s I.N.R.I. vs. Sepultura‘s Schizophrenia.

Full EP Premiere: Sun in Shadows & Soul Remnants — “Collection of Skulls: A Tribute to Sepultura”

October 7, 2020

Take a stroll down death thrash memory lane with this sick Sepultura covers EP courtesy Sun in Shadows and Soul Remnants.

Iggor Cavalera On Petbrick Collaboration with LG Petrov; Proceeds to Benefit Iconic Frontman’s Cancer Treatment Fund

October 2, 2020

Can the digital hell of the new Petbrick single courtesy two heavy metal legends help strike a blow against cancer? It’s up to you.

Track Premiere: Vulnere — “And They Fall”

August 12, 2020

Rising Portland, Oregon death metallers Vulnere mine some of the greatest extremely extreme ore of yore for killer track “And They Fall.”

Tales From the Metalnomicon: Rising Horror Lit Visionary Scott Cole

April 1, 2020

Philadelphia-based author and graphic designer Scott Cole writes brilliant, reality-refracting dark fiction — and has an extremely extreme heavy metal writing playlist to match.

Album Review: Sepultura – ‘Quadra’

January 28, 2020

Sepultura‘s latest, Quadra, is Decibel‘s album of the week.

Fallow Heart: Inner Self (Part II)

April 19, 2019

Decibel contributor Forrest Pitts continues to ruminate on the inner self.

An Update and Preview from Mexi-merican Death Grinders Rottenness

February 28, 2019

Mexican-American deathgrinders Rottenness provide an update on their new album.

Five Heavy Albums that Changed My Life with Hanno Klänhardt from Mantar

August 30, 2018

We catch up with Mantar‘s Hanno Klänhardt to find out what the five heavy albums that changed his life were.

Track Premiere: Allfather – ‘Citadels’

July 18, 2018

UK hardcore riff-rebels Allfather incite revolutions and mosh-pits with their newest single “Citadels.”

That Tour Was Awesome: New Titans on the Bloc (1991)

January 25, 2018

In 1991, the New Titans on the Bloc tour brought together Sepultura, Sacred Reich, Napalm Death and Sick of it All in a traveling circus of violence and extreme-music melting-pot mania.