russian imperial stout

No Corporate Beer Reviews: Morticia

May 21, 2021

Barrier Brewing’s Russian Imperial Stout Morticia won’t clear cobwebs — it’ll create ’em.

BREWTAL TRUTH: Drink This Now!

May 2, 2014

A recent inquiry from occasional Decibel contributor and Slayer biographer D.X. Ferris gave us the idea for this week’s online Brewtal Truth column. Comrade Ferris wanted to know, “Why does bottled Guinness (plain bottles) seem more carbonated to me than canned?” The answer: nitro. The bottled version of Guinness is typically carbonated in the same…

BREWTAL TRUTH: Drink This Now!

December 20, 2013

As far as we’re concerned, this is imperial (or Russian imperial, if you prefer) stout season. This is when it’s time to bring out the big guns, the sipping beers for those dark, cold winter evenings. Dark weather demands dark beers, and these are some of the blackest out there. It’s a fallacy that all…