Relapse Records
Q&A: Black Salvation’s Paul Schlesier, Birger Schwidop & Uno Bruniusson Issue A Jaw Dropper
March 12, 2018 Chris Dick
Germany-based psych-doom purveyors Black Salvation blow minds on new album, Uncertainty is Bliss.
Seventh Annual Decibel Magazine Tour Lineup + Dates Announced
October 24, 2017 Albert Mudrian
Enslaved, Wolves in the Throne Room, Myrkur and Khemmis unite for metal media leader’s latest North American campaign this February. Tickets on sale Friday, October 27 at 10am local time.
Myrkur Graces the Cover of Decibel’s October Issue
August 16, 2017 Albert Mudrian
Amalie Bruun makes her Decibel cover debut to usher in the release of the much-anticipated second Myrkur album, Mareridt, out via Relapse on September 15.
Interview: Tau Cross’ Rob Miller on New Record and Being a ‘Supergroup’
July 20, 2017 Neill Jameson
Tau Cross‘ Rob “The Baron” Miller is interviewed by Neill Jameson on new album, being a ‘supergroup’ and recommended reading.
Integrity’s Dwid Hellion On New Album, ‘Howling…’
July 12, 2017 Neill Jameson
Integrity‘s Dwid Hellion on his creative process, new album Howling, for the Nightmare Shall Consume and the blues.
Track Premiere: Expulsion – ‘Total Human Genocide’
June 7, 2017 Emily Bellino
Hear the second song from Expulsion, featuring members of Repulsion, Exhumed, Gruesome, Phobia and more.
Track Premiere: The Obsessed – ‘Razor Wire’
February 7, 2017 Emily Bellino
The Obsessed sound fresh and energetic on “Razorwire” as they prepare to release their first full length album in over 20 years.
Obituary Release New Song In Advance Of New Album And Decibel Magazine Tour
February 6, 2017 Emily Bellino
Obituary are still churning out kick-ass death metal. Hear their latest single, “Turned to Stone” and catch them on the Decibel Magazine Tour 2017.
Track Premiere: Unearthly Trance – ‘Scythe’
February 1, 2017 Emily Bellino
Bleak, noisy doom is what to expect from Unearthly Trance‘s latest single, “Scythe.”
Decibel Metal & Beer Fest Tickets On Sale Now!
November 7, 2016 Albert Mudrian
Sleep and Agoraphobic Nosebleed headline the first-annual two-day celebration of extreme metal and craft beer presented by Unibroue
Track Premiere: Gatecreeper – “Stronghold”
September 14, 2016 Emily Bellino
Gatecreeper‘s latest single is yet another reason to keep the death metal newcomers in mind. Listen to “Stronghold” now.
Top 5 Old-School Underground Metal Fliers
July 25, 2016 Chris Dick
From England to Florida, from Tokyo to Oslo, from Australia to San Francisco, postal workers were the bandwidth by which death metal, black metal, doom metal, and every other underground form of metal communicated. Open a letter and out poured legion! Here’s a tribute to Decibel‘s fave old-school fliers.
Hall of Fame Countdown: Nile’s Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka
May 5, 2016 Matt Solis
Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka is a near-perfect death metal album—absolutely pummeling and technically astonishing, yet layered with unique instrumentation and musical phrasing that give it an ancient, otherworldly atmosphere. Ranking such a slab of awesomeness from “worst to best” is about as ridiculous as Sully Erna’s face tattoo, but that’s never stopped us before!
Rise of the Machines: A Dark Electronic/Ambient Starter Kit
June 25, 2015 Matt Solis
Heavy metal has been flirting with electronic music for decades now, but the lines between the two worlds seem blurrier today than ever before. Chalk it up to Internet culture—with instant access to all the world’s information comes a vast multitude of subgenres that have enough permutations to satisfy all but the most discerning purists. Add to that the recent popularity of synth-heavy horror flicks like It Follows and numerous electronic artists signing to metal labels (Goblin Rebirth on Relapse, Gost/Dan Terminus/Perturbator on Blood Music) and it becomes pretty obvious: dark electronic/ambient music has pulled off a full-scale crossover!
Gruesome’s “Savage Land”: Track-by-Track Breakdown with Vocalist/Guitarist Matt Harvey
April 20, 2015 Matt Solis
Last week, we brought you an exclusive stream of Savage Land, the forthcoming debut LP from Death-worshipping supergroup Gruesome. This week, vocalist/guitarist Matt Harvey (Exhumed, Dekapitator, the “Death to All” tour) breaks down the inspiration for each song and provides some hilarious insight on what it’s like to write and record music that’s delightfully derivative.
Exclusive Stream: Gruesome’s “Savage Land”
April 13, 2015 Matt Solis
Metal has seen its fair share of worship bands over the years (see Black Sabbath’s direct line to every doom band ever), but it’s rare that one comes along whose sole purpose is to pay homage to one specific group and their highly specific style. Enter Gruesome, a bonafide supergroup (members of Exhumed, Malevolent Creation,…
Read ’em and weep: Will Lindsay of Indian gives us his all-time on-tour reading list
March 24, 2014 Jonathan Horsley
Chicago’s Indian are presently hauling their blackhearted nihilism across the tarmac of the UK and Europe in support of the Decibel-approved From all Purity. It’s a sick record from disturbed men, maybe more noisy, more off-the-chain than anything they’ve cut to record before, and if your record collection exists primarily to harsh your mellow (which,…
A night at the movies with Domenic “Nicky” Palermo from Nothing
February 24, 2014 Jonathan Horsley
**Welcome to the inaugural Deciblog Film Club, where each month we’ll poll someone from the extremely extreme community at large on a handful of films that have had an impact on their lives and their art. Think of it as an opportunity for all of us to lay down the blast beats and death growls…
Talking Good Beers and Grindcore with Bill Yurkiewicz
February 14, 2014 Adem Tepedelen
Long before there was a Brewtal Truth column in Decibel or Municipal Waste was celebrating the Art of Partying or Three Floyds was making beers for its favorite metal bands, Bill Yurkiewicz and his grindcore band, Exit-13, were not only drinking amazing beers from around the world, they were writing songs about them. Yurkiewicz, who…
Chicago doom titans Indian stream new track from forthcoming album, From All Purity
December 9, 2013 Jonathan Horsley
Well folks, it is the holiday season; what with the temperatures falling and nights closing in, and even the walls closing in, too, it’s officially the most miserable time of the year. Respite is in short supply. Hard liquor and pharmaceuticals can only do so much. But, step away from the shotgun, there’s a hefty…
Swimming through trash, speed-boat rides and blue lagoons: It’s Red Fang’s Euro tour report
August 5, 2013 Jonathan Horsley
Listen, we have seen Red Fang’s promo videos. We’ve witnessed their love of the grog. And at the risk of sounding guilty of cynical lifestyle profiling, surely asking Bryan Giles to compile a tour diary sounded overly optimistic. How reliable a witness could the Red Fang guitarist/vocalist be after being jammed on a van for…
John Dyer Baizley of Baroness on five life-changing album covers
July 29, 2013 Jonathan Horsley
“I could go on all day about Pink Floyd record covers,” says Baroness frontman/guitarist John Dyer Baizley. “I could go on all day about Neurosis record covers or Converge—Jacob Bannon is another great album cover artist.” He really could. But we’re mean and we need five to compile an easily digestible list of cover art,…
Revocation’s Dan Gargiulo’s Top 5 video games for keeping sane on the road
July 8, 2013 Jonathan Horsley
Like his bandmates in Boston death-thrash champs REVOCATION, Dan Gargiulo should have been getting ready for Summer Slaughter 2013. Y’know, there are important duties to be done before hurtling across the country in a van: like filling said vehicle full of diesel, packing a bag, loading his guitar into the van, stockpiling Cheetos and cancelling…
June 24, 2013 Jonathan Horsley
New week; new grind, folks. . . And this one’s a doozy, all the way from Switzerland and four years in the making. Courtesy of the good people at Relapse, we’ve got an exclusive premiere stream of Flies Will Starve from Mumakil. It is kind of ironic for a band who made their name with…
Say hello to the weekend with RED FANG’s “Hank is Dead” video
January 27, 2012 Jonathan Horsley
Oh praise be! The most miserable month of the year is all but over and it’s the weekend. This has been such a dry-mouthed hump of a month, but when Red Fang released their video for their super-catchy loose-minded stoner jam “Hank is Dead” the Deciblog made like Barney Gumble with the non-alcoholic champagne and…
STREAMING: Fuck The Facts “Alone”
September 21, 2011 Chris Dick
There’s a quaint perception that grindcore is, in fact, two-dimensional. One (maybe two if you’re lucky) emotion — aggression — and the music follows accordingly. Of course, there are outliers to everything, but Ottawa, Canada-based Fuck The Facts proves that grindcore in 2011 doesn’t have to be like grindcore of 1986, 1987, or 1997. It…
CONTEST: Win Weekend Nachos Swag! Send Nachos Recipes!
May 13, 2011 Chris Dick
Over a plate of tasty three cheese (Manchego, sharp cheddar, and Paški sir) nachos, the braniacs at Decibel thought it’d be quite rad to hear what you guys—i.e., our readership, those that think we’re peaches, those that think we’re fuckwads, etc.—concoct when you’re feeling the need to mow down on a slab of cheesy, chippy…
Dukatalon “Saved By Fear” Full Album Streaming
December 6, 2010 Chris Dick
Track-by-track commentary by Zafrir Zori (Dukatalon) “Pai’s” [audio:] A person who holds an arrogant truth, taunts, preaches, and tries proving everyone wrong ends up being the worst of them all. “Run” [audio:] This one deals with a state of mind where you want to run away and dwell in a secluded place, but such place…
Phobia “If You Used To Be Punk, Then You Never Were” Streaming MP3
November 4, 2010 Chris Dick
Since we, rather Albert, wrote the book on the absolutely probable history of death metal and grindcore (available here as a shameful but necessary plugadelic), we felt there has been a dearth of grindcore and grindcore-related things on the Deciblog. We know. We’ve got Sailors With Wax Wings, Valient Thorr, Gene Simmons, and fucking Shadowgarden…