Q and A
Q&A: Jinx Dawson On The Return Of Coven and Spirituality In a Dogmatic Age
April 17, 2017 Justin Norton
Jinx Dawson gave us an exclusive Q&A on the return of Coven, scheduled for Roadburn later this week.
Q&A: Arthur Brown On The Roots Of Metal and Art In Times Of Social Upheaval
March 7, 2017 Justin Norton
Decibel talked to psychedelic pioneer Arthur Brown about his role in the birth of metal and why art flourishes in times of political and social upheaval.
Decibel Q&A: Shane Baker of Alaric
June 6, 2016 Justin Norton
Alaric vocalist and lyricist Shane Baker talked to Decibel about death rock, learning to sing and End of Mirrors.
Q&A: Pete Jay (blackQueen) and song premiere
July 28, 2015 Justin Norton
On August 1, blackQueen will release their new Billy Anderson-produced album The Directress, which features guest appearances by musicians including Uta Plotkin, Joy Von Spain of Eye Of Nix, and Wrest of Leviathan. Pete Jay talked to us about his love of horror soundtracks and the comeback of his passion project.
Making Napalm: Q&A With Napalm Death Producer Russ Russell
May 6, 2015 Justin Norton
One of the reasons Napalm Death has been so successful is their relationship with producer Russ Russell. Russell has worked with the band since 2000 and will probably be with them when they are making albums in their 70s. He joined us from England for a chat on working with the grind legends.