Bass/Drum Gore-Punks Mouth Demand You Open up and “Suck the Worm”
June 1, 2016 Shane Mehling
The Oakland duo gets up in your guts with a slithering track off their new album Deathroll.
For those about to Squawk: Waldo’s Pecks of the Week
March 25, 2016 Blake Harrison
Waldo goes talon-to-toe with the latest releases from Graves at Sea, Mantar, and Victims.
Do Monday Right with this Wrong Video Premiere
March 14, 2016 James Lewis
Revisit yesteryear and wasted youth (of the ’90s) with “Turn In.”
Shark Week is for Sissies: Exclusive Hammerhead Premiere!
August 20, 2014 Shawn Macomber
A few years back super-under-appreciated Minneapolis noise rockers Hammerhead reunited for Amphetamine Reptile’s twenty-fifth anniversary bash and released an EP dubbed Memory Hole…which for a long while seemed to describe the place where the band was destined to disappear down. Happily, it is not so, and today we have your first exclusive taste of the…
Cleric Rising
November 5, 2013 Shawn Macomber
Three years after a momentum-murdering robbery, Philadelphia purveyors of sublime sonic wizardry and nightmarish soundscapes Cleric are back, hitting the road for a long-delayed tour in support of the brilliant 2010 album Regressions. (Stream it here.) But wait! There’s more! This morning Decibel is honored to premiere a brand new (and aptly titled) Cleric track,…
INTERVIEW: Fight Amp’s Mike McGinnis
October 21, 2013 Jonathan Horsley
Even though they are just off the red-eye after spending 30 days playing 30 shows across Europe with Black Tusk, there is plenty juice left in Fight Amp. New Jersey/Philly’s undisputed heavyweight noise rock/HC/punk/sludge/OTHER champs have one show left on the calendar, but Mike McGinnis just wants to keep on going. The Deciblog caught up…
Exclusive Stream: Terminator 2
March 12, 2013 Shawn Macomber
This morning Decibel is pleased to bring you an exclusive stream of the latest slab of uber-brutal, raw-as-fuck experimental noise metal from the true (and truly bizarre) power trio Terminator 2. It’s drawn from the Handmade Birds cassette series and it is nuts. Here’s what the label has to say about the release: We know…
INTERVIEW: Fight Amp’s Mike McGinnis on concept records and embracing weird New Jersey
December 10, 2012 Jonathan Horsley
Fight Amp’s Birth Control is the sort of super-cool genre non-specific releases that sounds like it was written in a week tops and thrashed out and tracked in a day. It sounds 100 per cent jam room live, heaping catchy riffs on top of awkward and dissonant hardcore punk and noise-rock. If it sounds unruly,…
GIVEAWAY: A Gaza Prize Package
August 28, 2012 Adem Tepedelen
You may have noticed that Decibel has a bit of a Deciboner for Gaza. Witness the recent Deciblog posts where we premiered a new track and had a fucking parrot review the new album, No Absolutes in Human Suffering. Well, we’re not done yet. No sir. To celebrate the release of the new album today…
Knuckle Dragger vs. the Bad Wee Bastard
March 20, 2012 Shawn Macomber
There could have been no better producer for We Are Knuckle Dragger‘s debut album than Steve Albini
Exclusive Unsane Premiere From Wreck
February 21, 2012 Adem Tepedelen
Two of our most memorable live concert experiences ever happened at Unsane shows in Seattle. This NYC trio originated from the same scene that spawned Helmet, Pussy Galore, Boss Hog and a bunch of other earhole-scraping noise mongers in the early 1990s. Between their Am Rep/Sub Pop label connections and the general loud/heavy/distorted aesthetic, they…
STREAM/DOWNLOAD: Ferocious Fucking Teeth “Hinkley”, Albini-produced downcast noise-rock.
January 24, 2012 Jonathan Horsley
We’ve never been over to visit and the tourist information website was fucking useless, but we’d like to think that New London, Connecticut is just the sort of place where parents just vacate their family homes en masse for months at a time, and leave their surly offspring to mulch around in unwashed jeans and…
What it Takes to Be a Chump
August 16, 2011 Shawn Macomber
I first learned of The Chumps at the dog park across from the basketball court where the opening sequence to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was shot — an appropriate setting, it turns out, considering how closely the band’s driving noise rock mirrors the churn, play, and occasional snarl of a large pack of pooches…