Gnaw Their Tongues

For Those About to Squawk: Waldo’s Pecks of the Week

July 31, 2015

Well, guys, it’s that time again, as I’m home from my whirlwind press tour, and boy are my wings tired. Here’s all the new releases that are fit (or not) to print.

Exclusive Premiere: Gnaw Their Tongues Gnaw “Through Flesh”

July 15, 2015

The uber-prolific Dutchman Mories’ one-man nightmare generator is back at it, ripping “Through Flesh,” the second track on forthcoming full-length Abyss of Longing Throats

NOW STREAMING: GNAW THEIR TONGUES Per Flagellum Sanguemque, Tenebras Veneramus

October 21, 2011

While it’s unhealthy to try drill into a rich seam of depression and self-loathing, mine it and milk it then wallow in it, sometimes those sort of dark moods are just unavoidable. For nigh-on six years, Gnaw Their Tongues, a solo project of Dutch polymath Mories, has deconstructed black metal, adding avant-industrial elements and haunting…