Ephel Duath

Album Premiere: Red Rot – “Borders of Mania”

May 9, 2024

Red Rot, the project of Luciano Lorusso George and Davide Tiso, formerly of Ephel Duath, present their sophomore record, Borders of Mania, a day before it releases to the world via Hammerheart Records.

Gospel of the Witches – Kickstarter Campaign Final Days

April 18, 2014

Gospel of the Witches is a new project of Karyn Crisis (Crisis), Davide Tiso (Ephel Duath), Ross Dolan (Immolation), Danny Walker (Intronaut). If the lineup wasn’t cool enough, the musical statement — made by Ephel Duath’s Tiso — is quite something else. Check out Crisis’s explanation of the project. Says Crisis: “The album is a…