Edge of Sanity

Track Premiere: Sacrilegion ‘Transfixed in Spiral Ambiguity’

November 7, 2022

Salt Late City’s Sacrilegion creates death metal velvet on new track “Transfixed in Spiral Ambiguity,” off From Which Nightmares Crawl out via Chaos Records.

Dan Swanö on STEEL, the Short-Lived Supergroup With Members of Opeth and Edge of Sanity

February 16, 2022

Producer legend Dan Swanö tells the story of Steel, the obscure heavy metal supergroup he formed with Opeth members during the recording of their Morningrise LP.

Full EP Stream: Sentient Horror – ‘The Crypts Below’

March 28, 2018

Sentient Horror once again lead old-school Swedeath fans through a Lovecraftian pathway between New Jersey and Stockholm on their new EP, The Crypts Below.