Dreaming Dead
DREAM BLOODY GORE: Dreams from Gruesome, SubRosa, and Dreaming Dead
March 15, 2017 Sean Frasier
DREAM BLOODY GORE shares twisted nightmares, dreams, and hallucinations from members of Gruesome, SubRosa, and Dreaming Dead.
Metal Muthas Mondays: Elizabeth Schall of Dreaming Dead
September 12, 2016 Justin Norton
Every so often, we take a little time on Mondays to pay tribute to the Muthas! That is, reprinting the adorable metal/maternal Q&As that run in the magazine. Today, enjoy Justin Norton’s chat with Amanda Schall, mother of Elizabeth Schall (Dreaming Dead/Cretin) in August 2013.
Inside The Shredder’s Studio: Elizabeth Schall’s Favorite Riffs
July 25, 2012 Justin Norton
Welcome to the opening installment of Inside The Shredder’s Studio, where we talk to accomplished players and guitar nerds about the riffs that make them warm and fuzzy. It would be easy to call this another “Women In Metal” bonus feature but I’m not going to do that. You see, chances are Elizabeth Schall can…