Chaos Records

Track Premiere: Sacrilegion ‘Transfixed in Spiral Ambiguity’

November 7, 2022

Salt Late City’s Sacrilegion creates death metal velvet on new track “Transfixed in Spiral Ambiguity,” off From Which Nightmares Crawl out via Chaos Records.

Track Premiere: Thorn “Hellmouth”

January 3, 2022

Arizona-based death-doom troupe Thorn unveil “Hellmouth” off new album, Yawning Depths.

Album Premiere: Decrepisy – Emetic Communion

July 27, 2021

Featuring members of Funebrarum, Ritual Necromancy and Acephalix, Portland graveblazers Decrepisy contemptuously reject the sacred on their debut Emetic Communion.

Album Premiere: Question – Reflections of the Void

July 21, 2020

Catch this early unveiling of Reflections of the Void, the mind-shredding sophomore full-length from preternatural Mexican death metallers Question.

Track Premiere: Question – “First Fragmentation”

May 12, 2020

Prime for atmospheric Mexican death metal quintessence come the release of Question’s sophomore brainbanger, Reflections of the Void.

Full Album Stream: Impure – “Satan’s Eclipse”

July 2, 2019

Soon NYC’s filthiest black death blasphemers Impure will unleash their debut full length on the world. Stream Satan’s Eclipse in its entirety now!