Bobby Liebling
Krieg’s Neill Jameson on the Pentagram Harassment Allegations & Separating Musicians by Gender
June 8, 2016 Neill Jameson
Pentagram‘s Bobby Libeling allegedly recently practiced poor judgement. But his management’s defense of his actions is even worse.
2014: The Year In Deciblog Interviews
December 29, 2014 Justin Norton
It’s instructive to look back at a collection of work over the course of a year. During 2014 we’ve endeavored to get you as many interviews we could on Mondays and Wednesdays in addition to streaming tracks, which are sort of a default necessity in music writing these days. If you take a look you’ll…
Life After Last Days: The Deciblog Interview With Bobby Liebling
March 5, 2014 Justin Norton
The hard road of Pentagram frontman Bobby Liebling, who has fought the real demons of addiction for decades, was well chronicled in the documentary Last Days Here as well as J. Bennett’s May 2011 cover story. While the film had a happy ending everyone knows that after the credits roll life continues. Hollywood doesn’t like…
STREAMING: Bedemon’s “Lord Of Desolation”
September 26, 2012 Justin Norton
Pentagram frontman Bobby Liebling has received much deserved attention for his comeback from a harrowing addiction and the revival of his musical career, not to mention late in life fatherhood. A few of his former bandmates might not have dealt with the same demons but they’ve had their share of tough times seeing their musical…
Exclusive Preview: Pentagram’s “When The Screams Come” DVD
August 15, 2011 Jeanne Fury
You’d think that a band with 40 years under its belt would have figured out the whole commercialism part of the music business by now. Some of the more enterprising elder statesmen have given up on marketing their music — Marky Ramone has his own brand of pasta sauce, and Stephen Pearcy is hawking hot…
STREAMING: Pentagram “Call the Man”
March 7, 2011 Chris Dick
In many ways, the opportunity to stream new music from legendary rockers/proto-metallers Pentagram is both an honor and a surprise. The Virginians, who have been kicking around in some shape or form since the early ’70s, are, to many, on the same level as British gods Black Sabbath or Judas Priest. Sure, the latter have…