Laugh Tracks: Anthony Devito
April 10, 2018 Gene Meyer
Comedian Anthony Devito shares his thoughts on a variety of metal songs.
Retrospective: Assück’s “Anticapital” is 15 minutes of grindcore history
February 8, 2018 Greg Pratt
In 1991, Assück released one of the greatest grind records of all time, Anticapital . Today, we revisit it.
Five Times Shorter Was Better
August 31, 2017 Greg Pratt
Quantity isn’t quality. Here are five examples of how extreme metal is at its most potent when it doesn’t waste time.
Dorian Rainwater & Thomas Romero’s (Noisear) Top 5 Influential Grind Songs
March 18, 2011 Chris Dick
Hello All! Dorian Rainwater and Thomas Romero of Noisear here. We have been asked to give a Top 5 feature by the amazing people at Decibel Magazine. We have chosen to give our main influences in the extreme metal/grindcore genre, which have had a huge impact on us and serve as a key element to…
Top 6 Songs That Influenced Maruta
March 3, 2011 Chris Dick
By Mitchell Luna (Maruta) It actually turned out to be a lot more difficult—than I anticipated—to narrow down the list to 10 bands that have greatly influenced Maruta, let alone 5. So, 6 made the cut! These are bands that in our opinion(s) did something new and fresh at the time. They all managed to…