Andy LaRocque
Hall of Fame Countdown: King Diamond’s Abigail
November 12, 2015 Matt Solis
King Diamond and crew are currently slaying their way across the U.S. playing Abigail in its entirety, so what better time to break down our 84th entry into the Hall of Fame?
Justify Your Shitty Taste: King Diamond’s “The Graveyard”
May 11, 2015 Matt Solis
I’m going to give my editors the benefit of the doubt here and assume they meant Verify Your Awesome Taste. I mean, come on, everybody knows there’s no such thing as a shitty King Diamond record. Some might be less memorable than others based on your personal criteria and/or schlock tolerance, but I’ll be goddamned if King has ever had a “St. Anger” moment in the span of his career.