For those who had a hunch that the first short story collection from Wonderland Book Award-winning author/Freak Tension zine proprietor/Weirdpunk Books founder MP Johnson — a deft writer who refracts extremely extreme weird horror fiction through a legit prism of punk-metal-hardcore culture and attack — would be an exquisitely strange, beguiling, and brutal experience…. well, Berzerkoids certainly does not disappoint.


Bringer of Drought
Thirsty and miserable
dB rating: 8/10

Tracking Down Metal from Not-So Metal Places: Anuryzm Interviewed

Hailing from Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, progressive power thrashers Anuryzm are set to release their second full-length on June 15th, All is Not For All. I got in touch with guitarist John Bakhos and vocalist Nadeem Michel Bibby in order to explore my on-going curiosity about metal from places not normally associated with metal and to discuss the band’s forthcoming album.

2014: The Year In Guest Posts

There are 52 weeks in a year. Give or take a few holidays and medical procedures that equals more than 100 blog posts annually when you have slots on Monday and Wednesday. There’s literally no way anyone trying to make a living could create that much original content (although Decibel alumni and Invisible Oranges founder…

Sucker For Punishment: A Septuagenarian Stew

Metal scenesters have always had a problem with artists that “dabble” in metal. In a way, that’s easy to understand: heavy metal is an all-or-nothing style of music, one whose audience embraces as not only as a diversion but a lifestyle, and they fully expect the same kind of dedication to the music, art, and…

INTERVIEW: Pit Full Of Shit

If you’ve been to shows around the NYC area–particularly at The Acheron or Saint Vitus Bar, both in Brooklyn–then chances are you’ve seen Frank Huang. More often than not, he’s armed with at least one video camera to capture that night’s show for everyone else’s viewing pleasure. After noticing him time after time at gigs,…

KILLING IS MY BUSINESS: PR-Mageddon with Earsplit and Catharsis PR

To a music journalist, a publicist can either be a trusted source of the tunes and information we need to get our job done, or an annoying omnipresence in our inboxes, constantly sending mass e-mails with hyperbolic language about shit bands that don’t deserve the publicity in the first place. For a band spending its…

Sucker For Punishment: They Are (They’re Them)

One of the best ideas the music industry has had in the last couple years is the mini box set. Either consisting of a band’s entire discography or a certain era in its history, these reasonably priced little collections of CDs in replica vinyl sleeves, usually housed in either a clamshell box, cardboard sleeve, or…

Decibel’s most anticipated albums of 2014: The unauthorised Deciblog addendum

Consider this here, folks, as an unofficial, off-the-cuff (read: poorly researched and impulsive) addendum to Decibel #112’s Top 20 2014 preview. This being the Internet, consider the following dispatch to be largely free of firm facts such as album/song titles, empirical data (release dates), and official words to corroborate our conjecture as to when said…

Axeslasher Track-By-Track

We called the latest from Axeslasher a “straight-up thrash-terpiece” in a blurb on our Halloween must-haves list a few weeks back, but Anthology of Terror, Vol. 1 — available here for a cool $6.66 — is sick enough to warrant a bit more coverage. Thus, the following track-by-track, courtesy guitarist/vocalist Justin Lascelle… Mark of the…

Trevor Strnad Track-By-Track Of Black Dahlia Murder’s New Album, Everblack

** The Black Dahlia Murder’s Trevor Strnad details the band’s new album, Everblack, in this track-by-fucking-track run-down. Whether you’ve followed the Detroit-based outfit from their humble Motor City beginnings to the mountainous perch from which they gaze down lovingly and loathingly (that’s a word, shut up) at fans and critics alike, Everblack’s a monster of…

A389 Contest Winners and Free Digital Mixtape

Remember this a couple weeks ago? Well, the horror lovin’, Satan strokin’ dudes in Seven Sisters of Sleep have studiously studied your entries and picked the winning winners. Grand prize goes to: Sam Pickering Three runner-up prizes go to: Mark Thistlewood, Nolan Reed and Xsimon stX Drop A389 head dude, Dom a line at [email protected]

VOICES FROM THE UK UNDERGROUND pt 2: HUMAN CULL on picking the crust off 30 second grind

Human Cull are a gnarly grindcore trio from the United Kingdom who deal largely in 30-second riff-salvos. Guitarist and vocalist Edd Robinson admits as much that the band’s entire canon will be fast and crusty, but dammit he’s a humanitarian, it’ll be memorable too. Brevity in grindcore song structures was hardwired at the genre’s birth…

UK extremists The Atrocity Exhibit on fierce riffs and one-take grind

You’ve got to love and admire the optimism of people in the UK. While limited releases are a staple practice in underground music, adding both that exclusivity/collector appeal and some fiscal security, British grind champs The Atrocity Exhibit took it to, uh, extremes and limited the supply of 2011 faceripper Grind Over Matter to a…