Hull “Viking Funeral” Streaming MP3

October 13, 2010

Brooklyn bruisers Hull were kind of enough to give us permission to stream the entire Viking Funeral EP. Actually, Viking Funeral isn’t so much an EP as it’s is an epically long (16 minutes and 51 seconds) song. EPs are classified as, according to Wikipedia not the RIAA or Billboard, “a musical recording which contains…

They Missed the Train to Mars… and Hell

October 13, 2010

httpv:// Over 1.5 million homeless children in the U.S.A. What are we doing??? This is what the Los Angeles rap-rock band Imperial Stars asks on their website directly below the image of a sports car flying through space. These complete and utter sacks of shit caused a traffic jam in L.A. yesterday by blocking three…

Pic of the Day: Black Metal Menu

October 13, 2010

By now, most of you are familiar with “accessible” colon-crushing, metal-themed eateries like Kuma’s Corner and the Grill ‘Em All burger truck. But this mysterious menu we stumbled across on the Interhole is clearly only for those with a taste for the rawest production and even rarer meats.

5 Albums That Remind Me of High School by Laura Pleasants (Kylesa)

October 13, 2010

Danzig: 3 How the Gods KillI think this came out right before I entered high school, but it was a main stay in my CD player throughout the 4 years. I was completely obsessed with Danzig, Samhain and Misfits. I loved it all and listened to this stuff constantly. I think this is probably my…

Seraphic Decay Lives!

October 12, 2010

Seraphic Decay was a Midwest-based death metal label that enjoyed a productive, if very short, existence. The first release was a 7” by Ohio maniacs Minch, but releases by Rigor Mortis (pre-Immolation), Incantation, Mortician, Derketa, Disgrace, Abhorrence (pre-Amorphis) Agathocles, Disgrace, Xysma, and few more culties soon followed over the course of 1990 – 1992. At…

Heart (Failure) Work

October 12, 2010

This one’s for all our Los Angelean mutants: If you don’t have your heart set on shoving it away too long to snuff the rooster (i.e. the BlackDiamondSkye boner-rock fiesta at Gibson Amphitheatre), blast on over to Footsies on N. Figueroa tonight for this Decibel-icious grind-tastic DJ night. The flier says it all, but I’ll…

Bonded By Yo

October 12, 2010

Bonded By YoYo from Shawn Macomber on Vimeo. Decibel caught up with Alex Lee of Bonded By Blood at the Hostile City Death Fest to chat up the amiable young shredder about his rumored alternate career plan should this whole thrash metal revival thing prove fleeting: Professional yo-yo master. As you’ll see, it sounds kind…

Niklas Sundin (Laethora) Interviewed

October 11, 2010

The Light… was written in an entirely different way than March…, and there’s a healthy four year period between the releases, so a lot of time was spent rehearsing and generally getting the feel for what we wanted the second album to be like. Most of the debut album was written in a relatively short period in 2005, whereas the The Light… songs have taken form organically in the rehearsal room in a real band setting, which I think makes the songs more real and solid.

Bruce Lamont (Yakuza) Tour Diary: Part One

October 11, 2010

Hot on the heels of this summer’s Profound Lore debut, Of Seismic Consequence, Chicago prog-monsters Yakuza scored perhaps the baddest-ass black metal tour of 2010, scorching the States with Triptykon and 1349. Frontman/White Sox fan-for-life Bruce Lamont will periodically fill us in on the gory details. Day 1—drive day Got Pat Clancy from Nachtmystium (sitting…

Death Metal wearing a pink thing

October 7, 2010

Landmine Marathon frontlady Grace Perry is an accomplished growler/Revolver cover girl, but did you know she was also in the worst band ever? Many of you probably already are aware that your grind-crush was in the electronica/metal comedy band Osama Bin SARS. But have you ever actually heard it? I mean, we know it was…