You Want Inhuman Heaviness? There’s an App For That

November 11, 2010

I don’t think I’ve ever personally beat up on Oceano. I’ve definitely attacked their chosen genre and I’ve lobbed bombs at many of the band’s contemporaries, but the alpha and omega of deathcore has never really crossed my desk… until the iPad. See, to promote their new album, Contagion, they had a contest. What could…

A Day in the Lives of Tim Goergen, Joe Cocchi & Jay Van Schelt (Within The Ruins)

November 11, 2010

By Tim Goergen (Within The Ruins) It is always good to come back to the East Coast. Today was in Greenville, NC. After a 10-hour drive through the night from Columbus, GA we finally arrived in Greenville around 2:00 p.m. and immediately hit up the first Wal-Mart we could find. I grabbed some chicken strips…

Wolvhammer Star In: Yet Another Tour Diary, Except This One’s Maybe Funny and Original (Part 3)

November 11, 2010

When they’re not getting down with the Cinnabon sickness at the Mall of America, Minneapolis BM punks Wolvhammer enjoy decimating faces on tour. Drummer/resident smartass Heath Rave will give us the gory, hopefully idiotic details. Saturday, Oct. 30, day off Drove all day to Denver. Took a different way than what I’m used to coming…

Louder Than Leno

November 10, 2010

First off, if you didn’t know, Kim Thayil is fucking old. Real old. He looks like Kim Thayil’s dad. But aside from that, the band’s back together, Chris Cornell’s hair is long again and they have that new song that isn’t great but it’s still Soundgarden and Lord knows that’s better than the fifty shithead…

Win a Copy of “Back From Hell: A Tribute To Sam Kinison”

November 10, 2010

The first time I saw comedian Sam Kinison in action was on “Married With Children”’s Christmas special in 1989. He played Al Bundy’s guardian angel, a sort of Clarence to Al’s George Bailey. Even as an angel, Kinison was so shrill and gritty, and his laugh was disgusting. I wanted my guardian angel to sound…

Liveage: Dimmu and Enslaved Spook Up the Big Apple

November 9, 2010

Last night Terminal 5 In New York City was the host for the quasi black-metal “Darkness Reborn” tour, featuring Dimmu Borgir, Enslaved, Blood Red Throne and Dawn of Ashes. Sorry Dawn of Ashes and Blood Red Throne—I’m sure you ruled, but also ruling was slurping down the devil’s hooch at a nearby dive bar instead…

Well, That’s One Way To Figure Out What Jim Martin’s Been Up To, I Suppose

November 9, 2010

Strange things may or may not be afoot at the Circle K, but, man, this video of Keanu Reeves talking about potential directions a third Bill & Ted film could go is as awesomely oddball as his Herzog impression is on target. Movie Trailers – Movies Blog Let’s face it, they’d need an auteur like…

Simon Hawemann (War from a Harlots Mouth) Top 5 Apocalypse Songs

November 8, 2010

By Simon Hawemann (War from a Harlots Mouth) 5. Swarm of the Lotus – “Nightmare Paint” “Nightmare Paint” is such a twisted and shattering song, it reminds me of grating doors or grating metal even. It sounds like an earthquake, pure chaos, like elemental forces – out of control. Things you would expect to happen…

Erik Rutan (Hate Eternal) Video Interview + Live

November 5, 2010

OK, it’s long established that the dudes at Scion A/V and the dudes at Decibel shake hands, break bread together, and then go home to blast some deathly hate over a glass of fine Merlot. If only to discuss and dissect the extremest of extremely extreme metal. That’s what dudes do. When Scion A/V has…


November 5, 2010

For most people, winter conjures images of pumpkin spice chai in a cozy Starbucks, pining for an iPad/BlackBerry/Xbox and the birth of the little boy who would go on to drive Mel Gibson insane. Those people are, of course, assholes. For us, it’s impulse killings in Olympic parks, stabbing your labelmates 20+ times and Abbath…