RIP Phil Vane

February 24, 2011

By now you’re probably aware that Phil Vane of Extreme Noise Terror has passed away at 46. An official statement past the above has yet to be released and fans and friends are still reeling from the news. But if the internet is good for anything, it allows us to honor a musician in the…

Oscar Dronjak’s (HammerFall) MMA Hammer of Justice, Part 4

February 24, 2011

BJ Penn, a prodigy at UFC 127 Coming up from Australia on Saturday is UFC 127, featuring one of my all-time fave fighters who has had some very entertaining bouts over the years, against someone who has gotten a lot of criticism for his perceived “boring” style: BJ Penn vs. Jon Fitch. Apparently, UFC President…

Slit Your Catguts

February 23, 2011 There is nothing really new here. We know that. We know Apocalyptica releases a record in Finland every fifteen minutes. But for the sheer audacity and artistic license from some nutjob named Joey Molinaro, we have to direct your attention to this violin cover of eight Discordance Axis songs off The Inalienable Dreamless. From…

All the Colors of the Dark

February 23, 2011

Hey, St. Louis! (or anyone in the Midwest willing to haul it over and under the arches). Starting March 16, our friends at the Awful Nice gallery are showcasing some of the most prominent underground artists creating “work driven by a heavy metal, fantastic or psychedelic aesthetic,” for a show called All the Colors of…

Justify Your Shitty Taste: Guns N’ Roses’ “Chinese Democracy”

February 23, 2011

Almost every band has that album: you know, the critically and/or commercially reviled dud in an otherwise passable-to-radical back catalog. Well, every Wednesday morning, a Decibel staffer or special guest will take to the Deciblog to bitch and moan at length as to why everybody’s full of shit and said dud is, in fact, The Shit. Today,…

Albert Mudrian & Requiem Metal Podcast Get Napalm Death-ed

February 22, 2011

Requiem Metal Podcast has been going since April 2008. To date, podcast creators Mark Rudolph (also known for his awesome review illustrations and the cartoon Danzig dB cover) and Jason Hundey have 118 episodes under their respective Atlantean-like belts. That’s a lot of talking and, if I’m being highly subjective (which I am, ’cause both…

Fight Amp (video interview)

February 21, 2011

South Jersey’s Fight Amp always sound as if they’re one fragile step away from total collapse. Line-up changes, guts-everywhere noise…er, music, and partakers in all things hard partying (rumored; maybe) are partial reasons for this particular ‘feeling’, but hearing Mike, Mike, and John coherently explain Fight Amp’s challenges (and production techniques) in this video interview…

Is Sergeant D a Virginia Resident?

February 21, 2011

Upon exiting last night’s Immortal show at the Sonar in Baltimore, Decibel spotted three concert goers pilling into a vehicle with the following vanity license plate: “WGRSLAM”. It’s a little grainy, but I can assure this image has not been doctored in any way. Anyone thoroughly confused by the meaning/origins of said plate is encouraged…

New Trailer for Thor Movie – It’s Hammer Time!

February 21, 2011

File this one under: shit that demands your inebriated attention. Come May 6, this movie is guaranteed to incite much forehead-smacking from Viking enthusiasts.

Oscar Dronjak’s (HammerFall) MMA Hammer of Justice, Part 3

February 18, 2011

By Oscar Dronjak (HammerFall), Strikeforce Heavyweight Tournament Being raised on the early UFC, I am a sucker for tournaments. While I completely understand why it was eventually abandoned, I do miss the real sport-feel coming with an elimination event. Just look at TUF (The Ultimate Fighter); I’m sure the format of winning to stay in…