Seventh Rule Recordings Now Rules Harder

January 12, 2011

Well, metal dudes and dudettes, a new beginning is here. Envy-inspiring label Seventh Rule Recordings is taking it up a whole nother level by, well, check it: “Seventh Rule has started a BANDCAMP page and will eventually offer all our releases through it for digital streaming and downloads.While we are not going to sit here…

Justify Your Shitty Taste: Helmet’s “Size Matters”

January 12, 2011

Almost every band has that album: you know, the critically and/or commercially reviled dud in an otherwise passable-to-radical back catalog. Well, every Wednesday morning, a Decibel staffer or special guest will take to the Deciblog to bitch and moan at length as to why everybody’s full of shit and said dud is, in fact, The…

New Sodom Tracks “Knarrhenheinz” & “Styptic Parasite” Streaming + Vinyl Contest

January 11, 2011

All wars must come to an end. For the Deciblog and Sodom, this week is our final week we assault to your sensitive senses in the form of streaming thrash metal madness from our favorite German legacy act. Though Kreator and Destruction get props, too. For week 7, we’re capping off things with a two…

God is Coming for Your Record Collection

January 11, 2011

Any Decibel readers out there been feeling a strange, niggling affinity for the Son of Man this week? Do you suddenly empathize with that robed, bearded dirty hippie antagonist of early Slayer records? Is holy water no longer singeing your skin? Are you finally able to consume garlic? Fear not, friends, these are not signs…

Exclusive: Imbroglio Debut New Sleep Deprivation Track “December”

January 11, 2011

Grindy Syracuse experimentalists Imbroglio are one of our favorite young bands; Shane Mehling and Nick Green have already extolled their many virtues in the reviews section. So, we figured we should share some of the serration: sophomore album Sleep Deprivation‘s “December,” not to mention a suitably downtrodden explanation by guitarist/vocalist D.J. Gilbert. It’s our January…

Extremely Extreme New Year’s Resolutions 2011

January 10, 2011

We wanted to know what some bands plan to improve upon in the coming year so we could mock their false sense of self-control and ambition. But that’s only because we want to feel better about our donut addiction and incessant farting. We don’t plan on doing anything in 2011 except kicking more ass. It’s…

Exclusive: Drugs of Faith Debuts Clip for “Grayed Out”

January 7, 2011

We have been begging Virginia’s Drugs of Faith to release a full-length for years. Seriously, the grinding, rocking, absolutely devastating trio, led by “The Grindfather” Richard Johnson (Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Enemy Soil), have put out just enough songs to keep us salivating while never giving us what we really want. But now Corroded, the band’s debut…

M. Lehto (October Falls) interviewed

January 7, 2011

You write long songs. At what point do you go, “OK, I’m done. The song is complete.”? M. Lehto: A Collapse of Faith and also the previous album The Womb of Primordial Nature have long songs on them, no question about it. It’s something that worked for me naturally as I usually like to make…

Chris Bruni (Profound Lore Records) on Discovering New Music

January 7, 2011

Chris Bruni talks about discovering new music growing up from Scion A/V on Vimeo. To celebrate living to see another weekend, here’s a second preview video from Scion A/V’s Music(less) Conference from this past summer. Scion produced videos from all the panels they did at the conference and are launching them on a dedicated site…

Reclaiming (Or Replacing) “The Goat”

January 6, 2011

Over the past few years, we metallers have seen our special sigil—the goat horn—stripped of its significance (i.e., magical power) by clueless celebrities (Miley Cyrus gets it wrong first then gets it right second) and pop culture junkies looking add ‘edge’ to their persona. That ‘edge’ they seek is, or rather was, ours. True, I’ve…