Waldo’s Pecks of the Week: 4/8/11

April 8, 2011

Waldo here, squawking all the new releases that fit to squawk about and some that are not. Satan’s Host release By the Hands of the Devil, noted (by them, of course) as the “Most Metal Album of the Decade.” It is metal indeed and now featuring former Jag Panzer vocalist Harry Conklin. This band’s 34-year…

Live Review: Winter, Union Pool, April 3, 2011

April 8, 2011

Viewing ApparitionsBy Scott Koerber On Sunday night, NY Doom-Death progenitors Winter brought their hypnotic blend of Hellhammer-meets-Amebix-on-quallludes to a sold out crowd at Union Pool in Brooklyn, NY, the band’s first show in 20 years. In the years since their last live appearance (way back in 1991), the band has risen from obscurity to legend…

Darkest Africa…

April 7, 2011

I’m not going to add much to this incredible, truly incredible, Vice article on Botswana’s “Metalhead Cowboys” but I will implore you to read it and check out the wealth of photos. I mean this… this is some fucking shit. A country you couldn’t find on a map for a thousand dollars has an oddly…

Oscar Dronjak’s (HammerFall) MMA Hammer of Justice, Part 10

April 7, 2011

HENDO vs. FEDOR: Should It Happen? When I first heard of this match up, it sounded like a perfect fit: two legends of the sport who have never faced each other despite being in the same promotion for years! Granted, they are not in the same weight class, but since when did petty things like…

You Can’t Grind Your Way Out of a Ticket

April 6, 2011

Philadelphia is a great place for birthing democracy, eating pretzels and setting up Ponzi schemes disguised as metal publications. What it’s not good for is parking. Grindcore disciples Wormrot blasted through a big chunk of the country without incident until their van disappeared in Philly. And who can be blamed? The man. The Singapore trio…

Contest: See Fight Amp’s Spring Tour

April 6, 2011

As a Jersey native, I take great pride in posting this contest for my squeaky-freaky brethren in Fight Amp. They just hauled ass with Kylesa and are returning next week to haul even more ass on a four-week tour across the country. Attendance at these shows means you are guaranteed to leave with a sweaty…

Justify Your Shitty Taste – Black Sabbath’s “Born Again”

April 6, 2011

Almost every band has that album: you know, the critically and/or commercially reviled dud in an otherwise passable-to-radical back catalog. Well, every Wednesday morning, a Decibel staffer or special guest will take to the Deciblog to bitch and moan at length as to why everybody’s full of shit and said dud is, in fact, The…

STREAMING: Dodsferd “Your Kingdom Was Built in a Lie”

April 5, 2011

Greek grape-leaf dolmas rule. So too does Greek black metal. Stretching as far back as Rotting Christ, Varathron, Necromantia, Zemial, Thou Art Lord, Greece’s storied black metal history rivals the Norwegians. In fact, the Norwegians were heavily informed by the extreme sounds of the Mediterranean. Not to dwell on the past too much, we’ve brought…

Back to the Parking Lot

April 5, 2011

Woot, woot! This year’s Found Footage Festival is being headlined by the awesome cult documentary Heavy Metal Parking Lot! Dates here. Official trailer after the jump. Bonus: The Propagandhi song “Back to the Motor League” which always reminds me of a sneering, modern day take on this movie which includes the semi-unrelated/totally awesome line, “Lord,…

Dagon (Inquisition) interviewed

April 4, 2011

Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm is your fifth record. How do you feel it compares, artistically speaking, to its predecessors?Dagon: Artistically and technically, it’s the best album Inquisition has done in every sense. The performance is tight, the production is clear and very organic, the riffs are rich and more on the attack…