The Lazarus Pit: Wrathchild America’s 3-D

April 15, 2011

Welcome to The Lazarus Pit, a biweekly look at should-be classic metal records that don’t get nearly enough love, stuff that’s essential listening for students of extreme metal that you may not have ever heard of.  Stuff that we’re too lazy to track down the band members to do a Hall Of Fame for.  This…

Decibel’s Internet Round-Up

April 14, 2011

1. You like that Incantation ad? Plenty more old school ephemera at Metal Archaeologist. 2. Another death metal murder, with a kiwi twist. 3. When Metallica was the best band in the world. 4. NPR interviewing Witch Mountain after a 10-year absence. 5. Some dumb shit about metal, Zakk Wylde and American Idol. 6. Gentlemen,…

The Ax Man Cometh

April 14, 2011

Recently retired closer Trevor Hoffman has a clear shot at the Baseball Hall of Fame, courtesy of his gaudy career saves total. He also had one of the greatest intro songs ever as a member of the San Diego Padres and Milwaukee Brewers bullpens—AC/DC’s “Hell’s Bells.” As Andrew Bonazelli’s Q&A with former Minnesota Twins/current Padres…

Pictures Worth a Thousand Growls

April 13, 2011

Remember when you saw the cover of our issue with Watain and thought, “Holy shit that photo rules.”

Justify Your Shitty Taste – Dissection’s “Reinkaos”

April 13, 2011

Almost every band has that album: you know, the critically and/or commercially reviled dud in an otherwise passable-to-radical back catalog. Well, every Wednesday morning, a Decibel staffer or special guest will take to the Deciblog to bitch and moan at length as to why everybody’s full of shit and said dud is, in fact, The…

Morbid Angel’s Oh So Morbid Cover Art

April 12, 2011

No secret to anyone familiar with Decibel, its fearless editor-in-chief Albert Mudrian, or the magazine’s highly-trained metal taskforce that “seminal” (their words not ours) Florida outfit Morbid Angel are crucial the existence of proficiently extreme, Lovecraft-informed death metal. Countless—as a quick test of our quantitative use of “countless”, ask your fav band if Morbid Angel…

Exclusive: Stream the New Capsule Album

April 12, 2011

Photo: Mike Ruiz-Unger To loosely quote Ice Cube, today is a good day. The Deciblog is proud to be the only site on the Internut streaming the new album from Miami, FL, hardcore melody makers Capsule. No Ghost is a deliciously dizzying slice of adrenalized pogo-ready jams. It gives you the illusion that your brain…

Ramming Speed Premieres “Last Drop/Dogmatic Horde”

April 12, 2011

Ramming Speed’s 12″ split with Texas skate shredders A.N.S. is out today, and it finds the Boston DIY thrashers pushing further into the darker, more intriguing sonic territory hinted at a couple years back on the band’s memorable Candlelight debut Brainwreck — this vinyl slab is a true smorgasbord of raging riffs, driving beats, and…

Steffen Kummerer’s (Obscura) Top 5 Swedish Death/Black Metal Albums

April 11, 2011

5. DawnSlaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) (1998) A barely known album. This time not via No Fashion Records. Necropolis Records from the U.S. took care to bring this release to life. Unfortunately, no tour, proper promotion or distribution supported this third album of the band, so maybe a few diehard fans will remember the group….

Plop Culture Dump O The Day: Chicks With Steve Buscemi Eyes

April 11, 2011

Happy Monday everybody. To make it suck a little less, we present you with a Tumblr site that’s actually worth your time. Chicks With Steve Buscemi Eyes,, is one of those things that should have existed from the very beginning of the internet. Google, eBay, and Chicks With Steve Buscemi Eyes—they’re on the same…