The Women of Metal (According to SPIN)

June 27, 2011

Photo: Birtha, armed to the teeth with proto-metal chops. To combat the impeding death of print journalism, I still subscribe to plenty of magazines. SPIN happens to be one of them. In between articles about bands that I can stomach as easily as putrid flesh, there are bits I enjoy, one of which is the…

Black Metal 1969

June 24, 2011

Some say the first wave of black metal started in England. We happen to be of the opinion — a silly one, mind you — that the first wave of black metal started, at least sonically, in America in 1969, with the release of New York-based Cromagnon’s sole album, Orgasm. We’re not the first ones…

The Lazarus Pit: Aeternus’s …And so the Night Became

June 24, 2011

Welcome to The Lazarus Pit, a biweekly look at should-be classic metal records that don’t get nearly enough love, stuff that’s essential listening for students of extreme metal that you’ve probably never heard of.  Stuff that we’re too lazy to track down the band members to do a Hall Of Fame for.  This week, we…

Eric Swenson R.I.P.

June 23, 2011

After the untimely passing of Jared Southwick, another icon is no longer with us. Eric Swenson, one of the most visionary figures in the history of skateboarding, committed grisly suicide in front of a police station in San Francisco. The 64-year old Swenson, who co-founded both Independent Trucking Co and Thrasher magazine, put a gun…

5 Things Musicians Need To Understand To “Succeed”

June 23, 2011

5. MANAGERS: Self-managing a band is a load of work. Arch Enemy does it, actually. But unless you have a few A-types who actually know how things work, it’s probably a good idea to get a manager. Again, someone you can trust. Someone with a sterling reputation. Someone who manages other bands in good standing….

Jared Southwick R.I.P.

June 22, 2011

While the news of his grave condition had been known, it still comes as a terrible shock that guitarist Jared Southwick has passed away from a liver and kidney condition in Muncie, Indiana. Most well known as the amazing six-stringer for The Dream is Dead, some like myself also got to see his incredible talents…

Don’t Be a Dick: A Tale of Indie Filmmaking, Extortion and MDF

June 22, 2011

David Hall is the director of Disgorge, Mexico: The Movie, Axis of Eden: The Feature Film, Maryland Deathfest: The Movie and Maryland Deathfest: The Movie II. He attended Maryland Deathfest last May 26 – 29 with the intention of shooting the second sequel. Suffice it to say, things did not go as planned. Hunker down…

Justify Your Shitty Taste: Sepultura’s “Against”

June 22, 2011

Almost every band has that album: you know, the critically and/or commercially reviled dud in an otherwise passable-to-radical back catalog. Well, every Wednesday morning, a Decibel staffer or special guest will take to the Deciblog to bitch and moan at length as to why everybody’s full of shit and said dud is, in fact, The…

Andreas Kisser (Sepultura) interviewed

June 21, 2011

You picked Roy Z as a producer for Kairos. Why Roy?Andreas Kisser: Roy was a great choice for this album. He’s a very experienced produced, working with the best singers in metal. He’s a great guitar player. He’s a great musician, too. He more or less knows how to play his instruments. And he’s active…

Exhume to Commune

June 21, 2011

Following hot on the heels of the induction of No More Color into the hallowed Hall of Fame, Decibel contributor Etan Rosenbloom probes deeper into the (surprisingly supple) risen corpse of Coroner in this interview with Ron Royce and Marky Edelmann for the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers. I could try to find…