Disposable Heroes: Anthrax’s “Among the Living”

July 20, 2011

There’s little more annoying on this planet than the immoral majority telling you how essential, transcendent and (huh-huh) seminal a particular extreme album is, when you know that it’s overrated as fuck. Hence, our new Wednesday morning column, “Disposable Heroes,” in which one brave soul sails against the current to inform all you clones why…

Tommy Rogers (Thomas Giles) interviewed

July 20, 2011

How important was it to separate your solo project, Thomas Giles, from Between The Buried And Me?Tommy Rogers: I think it was very important to separate the two. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people do solo projects that sound like their main band. I wanted to step outside of what I normally…

Play Unearth Trivia, Win an Autographed Beer Bong!

July 19, 2011

Unearth and the generous folks at Metal Blade Records have provided us with a little swag to give away to celebrate the recent release of the band’s new album, Darkness in the Light, and their current stint on the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival tour making the rounds through the middle of August (see dates…

For Those About to Squawk: Waldo’s Pecks of the Week

July 19, 2011

Every other Friday (well, Tuesday just for today), Waldo the African Grey Parrot, frontbird of thrash-grind immortals Hatebeak, will get you caught up on the week’s latest “extreme” releases. What’s up, guys? Sorry my column is running a little late, but hey, even your boy Waldo needs a vacation once in a while. I got…

Lament of Bruno Ganz: Heavy Metal Edition

July 19, 2011

In a just world Swiss actor Bruno Ganz would be better known for his work in Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire, Herzog’s Nosferatu or, yes, his chillingly-authentic turn in Downfall than he is for a four-minute-performance-cum-fodder for a seemingly endless series of YouTube parodies — “The Hitler Meme,” as the New York Times dubbed it…

Dude, where’s my guitar? The Gates of Slumber’s Karl Simon’s sermon for guitar dorks.

July 18, 2011

Y’know, despite being erudite professionals here at the Deciblog every now and then there’s an interview that spirals out of control and onto matters unrelated to, well, anything that it was supposed to relate to like that phonecall to Steve Asheim about a Deicide tour turns into a fullblown dialogue concerning the merits of cheeseburgers…

Contest: Win the Audio Book of John Joseph’s “The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon”

July 18, 2011

“All one-hundred-an-durty poundsa me dought I wuz invinsubble, and ya had ta think like dat back den cuz Noo Yawk City wuza different place, it wuza jungle.”— John Joseph Cro-Mags singer John Joseph is a continuing topic on the Deciblog and for good reason: Dude is a busy guy with a load of stories. After…

Brief Interviews with nihilistic men, Vol. 1: Jimmy Bower (Eyehategod/Down)

July 15, 2011

In the hours before an Eyehategod show, finding people lucid enough to begin a sentence let alone finish it is a challenge that someone oughta reward with medals cast in gold, silver and bronze. It’s an Olympian feat to just negotiate past the bodies laying strewn across the dressing room, and this is on the…


July 14, 2011

Odds are if I were to corner Missy Elliott and ask her how old the Motorhead shirt she’s sporting in the photo above, the answer would include variations on the phrases “My stylist picked it out for me,” “I don’t know” and “Motor-whatnow?” before her security detail – inevitably led by a 6’8” 475-lb black…

The Answer Is Still “Nobody:” Megadeth’s Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying? At 25

July 14, 2011

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a whole quarter-century since Megadeth sprayed the eternally-burning napalm of Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying? all over the unsuspecting mulleted masses; hell, I was still listening to Sesame Street albums at the time. Presumably, this thing would have scared the hell out of four-year-old me, even though kids…