EXCLUSIVE: “No Stairway!” …Mick Barr’s Coiled Malescence album stream

August 22, 2011

Mick Barr is not the sort of guitarist to just chill on the money chords, putting out the catchy riffs and hanging off the pentatonic scale until the familiarity sends you tripping. No way. Whether it’s his work as one half of the mind expanding avant-garde duos Orthrelm and Crom-Tech, the dual-personalities of solo projects…

Plop Culture Dump o’ the Day: Gathering of the Juggalos

August 22, 2011

Photo by Bucky Turco for ANIMALNewYork. Welcome to the armpit of America, better known as the Gathering of the Juggalos. Since 2000, it’s been a misogynist/homophobic paradise, a narcotics flea market, and a reason to live for the roughly 20,000 attendees and enthusiasts of Insane Clown Posse. Check out Emma Carmichael’s account of her experience…

The Lazarus Pit: Celestial Season’s ‘Solar Lovers’

August 19, 2011

Welcome to The Lazarus Pit, a biweekly look at should-be classic metal records that don’t get nearly enough love, stuff that’s essential listening for students of extreme metal that you’ve probably never heard of.  Stuff that we’re too lazy to track down the band members to do a Hall of Fame for.  This week, we…

Full Disclosure: Primordial’s Alan Averill’s state of the world address

August 19, 2011

Spare a thought for Primordial frontman Alan ‘Nemtheanga’ Averill who, mid-scream at last week’s Bloodstock Festival, Derby, England was robbed of his powers. In comic book terms, this was like grounding Superman and surgically enhancing him the old lead contact lenses. But more remarkable is that he lost it in the first place, like, even…

Exploring the Color Spectrum with White Orange. And Red Asses

August 18, 2011

The psychedelic slew-foot of Portland’s White Orange first came to my attention because of the intricate design of their …And This is Why I Speak to You in Parables picture disc EP. My copy of …Parables sat at the front of my ‘to listen to’ pile for a long while. I would love staring at…

Finally Here: Decibel’s Swoop Haircut Generator!

August 18, 2011

Are you oblivious to trends in fashion and style? Are you a filthy long hair who doesn’t own a single hair product, except, understandably, Head & Shoulders? Have you ever wondered what yourself or a colleague would look like with a swoop haircut? Why not, right? Or maybe you’re trying to get your band into…

Exclusive- Century: “Oak God”

August 17, 2011

Century: “Oak God” by Decibel Magazine If you had told me fifteen years ago I’d be in Seattle writing about a song featuring Kevin Martin from Candlebox I would’ve punched you right in your goddamn time-traveling face. But thanks to Pennsylvania’s Century, this is now a reality on the track “Oak God” from their new…

Disposable Heroes: Electric Wizard’s “Dopethrone”

August 17, 2011

There’s little more annoying on this planet than the immoral majority telling you how essential, transcendent and (huh-huh) seminal a particular extreme album is, when you know that it’s overrated as fuck. Hence, our new Wednesday morning column, “Disposable Heroes,” in which one brave soul sails against the current to inform all you clones why…

Let’s Drink to El Chupa Cobras’ Black Whole

August 16, 2011

We don’t care how many records, CDs, T-shirts or sweat pants a band has sold in its career, it hasn’t officially “made it,” in our estimation, until it gets a beer named after it (or one of its songs). That is winning, no matter how you measure it. Even a little ol’ noise/math band from…

What it Takes to Be a Chump

August 16, 2011

I first learned of The Chumps at the dog park across from the basketball court where the opening sequence to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was shot — an appropriate setting, it turns out, considering how closely the band’s driving noise rock mirrors the churn, play, and occasional snarl of a large pack of pooches…