Hey, that Angel Has an Axe!

September 27, 2011

Looking to get off that sis river of dreams… …and onto the thrashing, squalling river of rapture? Let Death Angel be your guide! The band is partnering with Jackson Guitars to give away three signed JS32 Rhoads guitars. All you have to do is fill out this online form and then mosey on down to…


September 26, 2011

One way to make sure your festival doesn’t suck, isn’t polluted by buy-on bands and weird compromises that all but beseech the audience to head to the bar for every third act is to have Darkthrone’s Fenriz choose the line-up. Using our favorite hiking metal punk’s Band of the Week blog to draw upon, the…

Carlsberg Beer Tests Your Intestinal Fortitude

September 26, 2011

Here’s some genius advertising. Imagine you and a friend walk into a movie theater filled with 148 very uncuddly men, and there’s only two seats left. What do you do? Do you muster up the courage to say, “Excuse me, giant, terrifying, tattooed sir,” and politely scooch your way to the seats in the middle…

Doom fans: get weirded out by Obake’s shapeshifting debut

September 23, 2011

Obake’s self-titled debut is a worthy soundtrack to finishing off a nightcap on such evenings when you’re expecting some gnarly spectral giant to visit mid-dream and inform you in disembodied tones of some uncomfortable truths, or deliver a prophecy on your soon-to-be-doomed future. Sure, when the opening riff to “Human Genome Project” kicks in, Obake…

Melt-Banana Tours North America. KSP Transforms into Pig in Shit, Dancing on Clouds.

September 22, 2011

Can you feel it in the air? For two months starting October 1st, it’s Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and my birthday all rolled into one once again! Throughout my years as an unashamed and drooling Melt-Banana fanboy, whenever the Tokyo’s masters of the musical kitchen sink return to tour North America, I get all giddy in-and-outside…

Al Jazeera’s Look at Mid-East Metal

September 22, 2011

Dubai-based band Nervecell “The best rock is a religious experience,” says Mark Levine, author of Heavy Metal Islam. Yes, sure, but as history has shown, since man first grew hair on his ass, if you happen to belong to the wrong religion, it’s reason enough for you to die in a hail of bullets. And…

Tom Neely Currently Scaring the Fuck Out of West Coast

September 21, 2011

If you don’t know what Tom Neely is all about, that drawing up above should be a pretty damn good indication. Band artist, Decibel artist and the proud papa of Henry and Glenn, the man can de-virginize with pen or brush. And now he’s on tour. To promote his “painted novel” The Wolf, he is…

Disposable Heroes: Emperor’s “In the Nightside Eclipse”

September 21, 2011

Nothing’s more annoying than the immoral majority telling you how essential, transcendent and (huh-huh) seminal a particular extreme album is, when you know that it’s overrated as fuck. Hence, our OCCASIONAL Wednesday morning column, “Disposable Heroes,” in which one brave soul sails against the current to inform all you clones why you can’t spell classic…

STREAMING: Fuck The Facts “Alone”

September 21, 2011

There’s a quaint perception that grindcore is, in fact, two-dimensional. One (maybe two if you’re lucky) emotion — aggression — and the music follows accordingly. Of course, there are outliers to everything, but Ottawa, Canada-based Fuck The Facts proves that grindcore in 2011 doesn’t have to be like grindcore of 1986, 1987, or 1997. It…

Skeletonwich Exclusive Video Reveal of Triple Gatefold Art

September 20, 2011

OK, vinyl nerds, pay attention. What you’re about to witness is a little teaser from the fellas in Skeletonwitch and their label Prosthetic Records. In case you haven’t heard, Skeletonwitch will be releasing their fourth long-player, Forever Abomination, via Prosthetic on October 11 in North America. It’ll be available in three different formats but the…