The last time I saw Alcest live was March 2012. Neige and company headlined a show at Brooklyn’s Public Assembly (a more fitting setting for them than opening for Enslaved at the Gramercy Theater) and brought along Deafheaven and Vaura. Given the creative leaps both of those openers have made since then with their respective 2013 full-lengths, the prospect of where one of France’s finest exports might go next is pretty darn exciting. While I’ve yet to hear what Shelter has in store, the playlist Neige was kind enough to send over should help pass the time as it spotlights albums that, according to him, not only belong in the “dreamy” genre (one which the frontman is well on his way to conquering), but are related to his band and, in particular, new record. Feel free to listen along here and pre-order a copy of Shelter (which officially drops on the 21st) here.
The Smashing Pumpkins–Siamese Dream (1993)
This album combines heaviness and nostalgic uplifting melodies. The distorted guitars have such a great and massive tone, and the drumming is exceptional. Jimmy Chamberlin is probably my favorite drummer. This album has this perfect bittersweet summer-y feeling, I love to listen to it during holidays drives in July or August and get euphoric feelings from it.
Slowdive–Just For A Day (1991)
That’s the first Slowdive album that I bought and made me fall in love with the band. In the beginning I liked this one even more than their next album, Souvlaki, which is Slowdive’s most popular record. Just For a Day sounds so melancholic to me and I love “Catch the Breeze”, “Waves” and “Brighter”. In the whole indie rock picture, I think Slowdive must be one of the most melancholic ones–their music is pure beauty.
Dead Can Dance–Dead Can Dance (1984)
In my opinion, the first album from Dead Can Dance is really underrated. I love everything they have done, but back then they played this very interesting mix of early ’80s post-punk, in the way of Joy Division, and ritualistic/dreamy/ethnic sounds. I think all the songs are great, very special, and I never understood why this album didn’t become a classic. I guess it’s because it sounds a bit claustrophobic and strange.
The Chameleons–Script Of The Bridge (1983)
This is also a very underrated album. I saw The Chameleons a couple of weeks ago in Paris and they were just as awesome live as on their records. To me they have some of the most beautiful guitar work in rock history. The two guitars play different lines, blending together all the time, and the melodies are so catchy. “Second Skin” is my favorite song on this album. This band should have been huge but they had a huge influence on indie music–Interpol for example took a lot from The Chameleons on their first albums.
Grimes–Visions (2012)
This is the album I listened to the most in 2013, especially during our recording session in Iceland for Shelter. This is like the weirdest pop album I’ve heard–it has elements from dream pop, industrial, R&B and minimalistic new wave, all very weird and ethereal. It felt so fresh and new to me when I discovered it, like alien music. I like this artist a lot–she is not afraid of any boundaries, crossing styles and making things evolve.
*Pre-order Shelter here.
**We update one Spotify playlist for each new Decibrity entry, so feel free to subscribe to that here.
Past entries include:
East Of The Wall
Drugs Of Faith
SubRosa (Part 1) (Part 2)
Vattnet Viskar
Orange Goblin
God Is An Astronaut
Primitive Man
Scale The Summit
Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquillity) (Part 1) (Part 2)
Mouth Of The Architect
Kings Destroy
Call of the Void
Saint Vitus Bar
Soilwork (Dirk Verbeuren) (Björn Strid)
Inter Arma
Helen Money
Misery Index
Ancient VVisdom
Holy Grail
Rotten Sound
Ancestors (Part 1) (Part 2)
Kowloon Walled City (Part 1) (Part 2)
Aaron Stainthorpe (My Dying Bride) (Part 1) (Part 2)
Early Graves
All That Remains
Bison B.C.
A Life Once Lost
Fight Amp
Witchcraft (Ola Henriksson) (Magnus Pelander)
Vision of Disorder
Anders Nyström (Katatonia) (Part 1) (Part 2)
“Best of” Rush (Part 1) (Part 2)
Shadows Fall
Greg Mackintosh (Paradise Lost) (Part 1) (Part 2)
“Best of” Meshuggah
Barren Earth
Shane Embury (Napalm Death) (Part 1) (Part 2)