Demo:listen: Evulse

The trail of blood, guts and body parts leads to this week’s Demo:listen featuring California death metal maniacs Evulse.

Demo:listen: Fetishism

Experimental German black metal outsider Fetishism cast their analog spell of malevolence on this week’s Demo:listen.

Cleric: Extended Interview

Cleric draw straight lines (through tesseracts) connecting quantum physics to Stephen King and Thom Yorke.

Decibel’s Top 5 Grindcore Logos

There’s nothing cooler than a logo, a mark, an emblem. From extreme music’s inception, artists–thrash metal, grindcore, death metal, doom metal, black metal, etc.–have placed a heavy weight on their logos. Some are immediately recognizable (like Metallica, Death, Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, Cathedral), some aren’t so cleverly designed. Over the years, Decibel has top-listed logos for our most favorite of extremely extreme genres. Today, we dissect and pontificate on the Top 5 Grindcore Logos. Music isn’t considered as part of the findings, as that would unfairly settle the list. So, find out who tops our list. And argue about it.