“We have unleashed our new video upon humanity,” says Incantation frontman/death metal legend John McEntee. “Brought to you by the tireless efforts of Black Arts Media and filmed at the Vermillion Haunted School House in Ohio. Many thanks for allowing us the use of your establishment. For it’s notable aggression and speed, amidst the albums other tracks, we’ve chosen “Impalement of Divinity”! Bringing visual blasphemy to our most recent release Dirges of Elysium with commemorative 25th anniversary graphics throughout. Let this praise of the infernal be for all of you who made our path this quarter century such as it is.”
We couldn’t have said it better (or more evil) ourselves, so without further whips, chains, and inverted crosses, we bring you, with much fire and death, the video for Incantation’s “Impalement of Divinity”.
** Incantation’s new album, Dirges of Elysium, is out now on Listenable Records. It’s available HERE in a variety of infernal formats.