It’s almost winter, which if you’re me, means revisiting Venom’s 1982 classic Black Metal on repeat for seven hours while you help your parents shovel the snow from their driveway. But lo and behold, the city of Brotherly Love has “birthed” us a new punk/metal hybrid who sound just like that first wave of black metal but 2022ier!
Philly’s own Alien Birth have been dropping EPs here and there since 2019 and developing a name for themselves as an especially rabid purveyor of snot-nosed punk and metal in that short time. Their latest cassette release, Freak’s Choice, finds the group as vicious and catchy as ever, alternating between Motörhead, Bleach-era Nirvana and the aforementioned Venom to create quite a cacophony to keep you warm during these winter months. The forecast calls for: RAGE!