We already had occasion to cream our jeans a couple weeks back in anticipation of this awesome Toxic Holocaust/Municipal Waste split 12″ on Tankcrimes Records, but now we have the pleasure of tantalizing you with two(!) tracks from said four-song EP.
This nut-busting coupling of two of our favorite thrashers comes in a number of different limited and not so limited versions that may or may not include a picture disc, glow-in-the-dark vinyl, a beer koozie, insert, etc. But if you want the details, you gotta go to here to Tank Crimes, where you can preorder it before its June 12 release.
Here’s the full track listing:
1) Municipal Waste “Trapped in the Sights”
2) Municipal Waste “Mourning Sex”
3) Toxic Holocaust “We Bring Em Hell”
4) Toxic Holocaust “Altered States”
But before we get to the actual music, here is everything we just wrote in the above paragraphs, only in video form, for those of you find our writing tedious and just want to stare at stuff moving around on a screen.
Now, you lucky bastards, here’s the big payoff. We suggest maybe a few neck stretches before revving these up. Shotgunning a beer first wouldn’t be a bad idea either, unless you’re at work right now. Other than that, just turns these muthas up!