Formed in 2005, instrumental heavy space rock outfit Cloud Minder was the first band to sign to Philadelphia “psych doom” label Anthropic Records, toured extensively with such kindred spirits as Earth, This Will Destroy You, and Film School, and were beginning to round the corner into what felt to them like even more sublime creative pastures when lead guitarist Dave Sommer was diagnosed in 2008 with an aggressive form of brain cancer.
Yet despite the rigors of Sommer’s treatment and the hundreds of miles suddenly separating the players, Cloud Minder wrote and recorded their next record Solace. Now the band has set up a Kickstarter page to raise the funds for a vinyl release, currently in limbo because of the lack of touring income.
The video below explains the situation in more depth. Samples of two Solace songs can be heard over at the Cloud Minder Bandcamp page.