You’ve probably heard about a little festival called Maryland Deathfest. Odds are, you probably also know it’s happening at the time you’re reading this. You might even know that two of the bands on the bill, Sweden’s Birdflesh and New Jersey’s Organ Dealer, also have a split release coming out on Horror Pain Gore Death Productions.
The split album combines the humorous but raging talents of Birdflesh, who have been steadily releasing music for the last 25 years, with the furious deathgrind of Organ Dealer. Working in tandem, the duo unleash a blistering grind assault.
Horror Pain Gore Death Productions will release Birdflesh/Organ Dealer on June 2. You can pre-order the album digitally and on CD here. Birdflesh and Organ Dealer both play Baltimore Soundstage at MDF TONIGHT, so check it out if you’re there!