Never mind its conspicuously vague provenance, its b-sides comp. status and the stigmata therein, Cripta Oculta is a full length album of never-before-heard Cripta Oculta. And for a band as prolific as that Portuguese duo had once reigned, they sat on some incredible material. [For immediate reference, skip straight to the eleven minute penultimate slayer.]
Though they slumber now, Cripta Oculta’s draughty presence is potent as ever on this six track collection. While for some it may merely assuage the void they left behind, Cripta Oculta is more than an indication that the world needs more Cripta Oculta. It is more Cripta Oculta. Mandatory for fans. Perfect for initiates.
Check it out.
Get Cripta Oculta this Friday from Signal Rex.