Album Premiere: Fourth Dominion – ‘Diana’s Day’

Fourth Dominion

Fourth Dominion are back with their sophomore album, Diana’s Day, out August 1 during Fiadh Productions. This is the follow-up to their 2017 album Wings of a Dying Crow, and they’ve grown a lot since then.

This album expands on their sound, which blends NWOBHM, goth rock, post punk, and alt rock in general. The album takes on themes of queerness, femme-ness, magic, and existential dread. This record features their new drummer, Brady Mentz, and was produced by Casey Ahrens-Cavallo and Tom Gerwitz. Coming at the perfect time, the message is that queer folks fight back.

“Melodies are the most important element of a song for us, and Diana’s Day is a testament to that,” says bassist and vocalist Meadow Wyand. “Whether it was the twin leads of Iron Maiden, the jangly guitar of Siouxsie and The Smiths, or the vocal harmonies of Bad Religion, bands with identifiable melodic character were at the forefront of our mind when we made this record. It’s a way riffier album than Wings of a Dying Crow, but we didn’t set out to make the most mammoth-crushing heavy metal ever. We wanted to write 10 songs that were emotionally honest, spiritually vulnerable, and true to ourselves. I think we achieved that.”

Preorder the album here.