Three weeks ago, Metal & Beer Pre-Fest—with an absolutely killer (you can be sure the fighting game puns will keep on [thumb]rolling) lineup of Umbra Vitae, Graveripper, and Psychosomatic—was announced as part of the weekend festivities of Metal & Beer Fest: Denver 2023. And, apologies for this one, but we were holding out on you. Yes, like that friend who invites you over for some in-person 1v1 matches and tells you to help yourself to any beer in the fridge, but then has a secret six pack in that other fridge, we had one more hit to tack onto this ultra combo.
The tournament champion brewers over at Little Cottage Brewery, who happen to be enthusiasts of both metal and video games, have been kind enough to lend their expertise to our pursuit of bringing you the most nerdaciously brewtal beer fest possible. Today we’re proud to announce a serious heavy hitter of a collab: DOUBLE FATALITY, a double dry-hopped, double IPA, punching in at a whopping 9.6% ABV! The button combination for this double double includes citra, motueka and phantasm hops, and is served in a 16 oz. cartridge. It’s a super move sure to get you into just the right head space for merciless domination, whether that’s fighting in the streets or kombat of the mortal variety—or beer fest fun, we mean. Finally, to cap off out this flawless victory with the perfect finisher, Kill Screen co-nerd and Decibel art director Mike Wohlberg has button-mapped out a true-to-the-name label that pulls no punches!
DOUBLE FATALITY will be brewed and packaged by Little Cottage Brewery in Avondale Estates, GA, and shipped to Denver just in time for face-breaking consumption at the Pre-Fest on Thursday, November 30th at the Marquis. Tickets can be purchased are just $20 in advance and are on sale now. Presented by Kill Screen and sponsored by Little Cottage Brewery, Nefarious Industries and Wise Blood Records, it’s the ultimate Metal & Beer pre-game!
NOTE: Pre-Fest tickets are NOT included with the purchase of Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest: Denver tickets.