There’s a lot of dark, cavernous death metal out there today. The system of caves and tunnels are seemingly endless, providing listeners with ever more ways to plumb the subterranean depths of brutality. Scotland’s Order of Decay occupies there own corner of this complex, and are ready to smash out to the surface wit their debut album, Mortification Rites on June 2.
To give you an idea of what’s to come, Decibel is proud to premiere “Scent of Flesh,” streaming below. The song contains all the hallmarks of deep gutteral vocals, mammoth-sized riffs, etc. But this isn’t just another retread of Onward to Golgotha with lots of reverb added. This band knows how to build drama into a song and weave the evil spirits together into a thrilling rager of a song.
Check it out! Also go here for any pre-order information (that maroon vinyl is super rad!).