Where they from?
Lyon, France. Last weekend, the President’s Cup winning Boston Bruins lost to the Florida Panthers in the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Also, over the weekend, the Toronto Maple Leafs broke a 19-year drought and advanced past the first round. What an era to live in when all of these curses are broken, but more importantly, how gutsy it is for me to think anyone reading this article gives a shit about any of that. I’m SO ALONE!
Why the hype?
If you’ve followed this column long enough you’d know what a persistent boner I’ve had for Warfuck for a long time. The band’s 2017 EP Hyper Comes and Goes is a personal classic of mine, featuring a tight kinetic blend of grind, metalcore and nu metal that both dazzles and suffocates endlessly. Between these guys and Whoresnation, French grindcore is in a very healthy spot and more importantly, the Boston Bruins lost in the first round of the playoffs.
Latest Release?
Diptyque out on Lixviat Records. This release is more dense than anything the band has done in the past but despite the kaleidoscope of razor sharp blast beats, the band still makes time to occasionally lay down the hammer and churn away with some of the thickest riffs this side of a Cock and Ball Torture album. It’s enough to make any grind fan happy, unless of course, they are a Boston Bruins fan.