Bongzilla is eternal and immutable, like the moon and the stars. The Wisconsin natives have been making heavy, groovy doom metal songs about weed since the mid-’90s, and they’ll be making them until the sun extinguishes itself. The extended hiatus they took after 2005’s Amerijuanican already feels like little more than a blip, an aberration they righted with a “comeback” record that stands tall along their best work in 2021’s Weedsconsin. That album immediately returned them to the top of the stoner doom heap, and now they’re following it up with the equally crushing Dab City, out June 2 on Heavy Psych Sounds.
Today, we’re premiering Dab City’s lead single, “Hippie Stick.” At six minutes and change, it sits in the sweet spot between the album’s monolithic epics and its (relatively) short tunes. It’s fun to goof on guys who ogle the centerfolds in High Times like it’s Penthouse, but honestly, Bongzilla’s undying enthusiasm for getting blazed off your fucking gourd is infectious. Give in to the power of the Hippie Stick, and read a short, sweet, and totally psyched-sounding statement from the band below.
“This song’s about being gifted a SUPER strong joint. It’s got hash, wax, and flower on the inside. Dipped in THC oil and covered with keef. The lyrics tell the tale!!”
Preorder Dab City via Heavy Psych Sounds here.