Of the growing bundle of new-jack, tech-obsessed, more-notes-than-thou death metal bands that have emerged over the last handful of years, Hoosier State hellions Carrion Vael are one of the few outfits that I confidently keep coming back to. The Indiana quintet have weaved a catchiness and song writing sensibility around dizzying skill to make their latest album Abhorrent Obsessions a more listenable proposition than many of their peers who make death metal that sounds more like a music store throwing up than a collection of fist-through-eye socket brutality. The increasingly curious amongst you can familiarize yourself a little bit more via our verdict on said album by ordering this issue here. In the meantime, why not experience more of the band’s vision via their video for the track “Kentucky Fried Strangulation”? A bunch of psychos playing a death metal ode to famous serial killers will never not go down a treat around these parts and Carrion Vael’s newest single is no different. Says vocalist Travis Purcell:
“‘Kentucky Fried Strangulation’ is about the life and crimes of John Wayne Gacy. Gacy, who was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder before his trial, was fueled towards a life of serial murder and rape, in part due to his father’s constant torture for acting too feminine as a child. This abuse and other mental impairments would lead Gacy to the murders of 33 young men from 1972-1978, disposing of their bodies in the crawl space of his suburban Chicago home.
“In the video, I play Pogo the clown, Gacy’s alter ego. I tried to represent a day in the life of Pogo, from his rope strangulation trick, to enjoying the delicious chicken he must have served up while managing three KFC restaurants.”
If you’re in any of the following locations on the following days, why not check ’em out?:
10.21 – LAFAYETTE, IN – North End Pub 10.22 – CHICAGO, IL – Magoos Bar & Grill (O’HALLOWS DEATH FEST 3) 11.04 – GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Turnstiles 11.05 – DETROIT, MI – Parts & Labor 11.08 – PHILADELPHIA, PA – Kung Fu Necktie 11.09 – BALTIMORE, MD – Shamrock Inn 11.10 – NASHVILLE, TN – The End 11.11 – KNOXVILLE, TN – BrickYard Bar & Grill 11.12 – PITTSBURGH, PA – THE SHRED SHED 11.13 – LOUISVILLE, KY – Mag Bar 11.18 – INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Black Circle 11.19 – FORT WAYNE, IN – Pierre’sAbhorrent Obsessions is out now on Unique Leader Records
Band info and ordering at: