Richmond crossover kings Municipal Waste return this July with Electrified Brain, their sixth shredded offering, and Decibel is ecstatic to announce we have secured both an exclusive cassette color and a limited stash of longbox CDs for all you shrednecks who like to kick it old school!
Amplified by artwork from Joltin’ James Bousema and crammed with 14 cuts of high speed steel, Electrified Brain makes the perfect complement to your nascent cassette and longbox collection. The Waste shacked up with the wicked Arthur Rizk in our hometown of Philadelphia to track this masterclass, resulting in a wiry recording full of high-voltage headbangers.
If you want to get your hands on these essential additions to your thrash collection, be sure to act lightning fast: There are only 100 cassettes of this exclusive color and 300 CD longboxes available to Decibel readers. The only thing more shocking than these limited quantities are the number of electric puns with which we were able to charge you up. Act fast!