We’re stoked to bring you Swiss apocalyptic post-metal act Abraham’s latest single, “Blood Moon, New Alliance.” The track comes by way of the band’s impending new full-length, Débris de Mondes Perdus, set for release February 25 via Pelagic Records.
Check out the video, streaming exclusively here.
The result of 11 years of recording and touring with bands like Cult of Luna and the Ocean, Abraham’s Débris de Mondes Perdus shows a post-metal powerhouse at the height of its ability. On “Blood Moon, New Alliance,” the band reduce a barrage of blast beats to an atmospheric exercise in restraint, smoothly transitioning through differences in volume and pace, while retaining a sense of intensity that borders on blood-thirst.
The sound on their latest record is as rough, ugly, and brute as it gets. Abraham have taken conscious distance to the polished, metallic side of post metal in favor of a more rock-oriented, gritty, and less-produced sound. However, these are not glorious, singalong rock anthems, but utterly raw, dissonant, abrasive, and clinking cold compositions in the most refreshing and invigorating sense of these words.
Comment the band, “‘Blood Moon, New Alliance’ is about telling new stories with broken words. It is also about a shift in the geological depths of the earth that resonates with a shift in the unconscious depths of human mind (what is left of it) about its relation to the un/animated world. It is partly inspired by the novel Autobiographie D’un Poulpe by French author Vinciane Despret, who imagines a therolinguistic society (see Ursula K. Le Guin for this one) who studies the actual written traces of species like octopuses. Borges could have come up with something similar. If you look closely, you will also find a reference to another Abraham song.”
Débris de Mondes Perdus will be available on CD, LP, and digital formats. Find preordering options here.