Today we offer our readers a peak at the future of death to come. Composed of three teenage friends, Begravement are rhythm guitarist/vocalist Ezra Blumenfeld, bassist/vocalist Matt Schrampfer and lead guitarist/vocalist Owen Hiber. From “the Twin Cities area of Minnesota,” Bereavement formed, originally under the name Operation: Obliteration, in 2018. Today Begravement release their debut EP Conjuring the Necromancer.
Begravement themselves describe their take on the genre as influenced by old school death and thrash, but with “plenty of curve balls [thrown] into the mix as well,” the band says. The title track, in particular, will definitely smack you silly and leave you with a ‘wtf was that’ kind of grin on your face.
Begravement recall that “working on [Conjuring the Necromancer] was challenging for several reasons,” they say. “First of all, our songwriting has always taken place as a game of one-upmanship; we enjoy writing riffs that are extremely technically difficult for everyone in the band. Secondly, the six songs on Conjuring the Necromancer had not all been fully worked out as a band when we went into lockdown back in March; this resulted in some songs being learned sort of last-minute. Finally, we did not go into a studio to record this EP: We recorded individually in the safety of our homes, and Ezra consolidated the tracks and assembled the songs.” The band admits, “Although Conjuring the Necromancer was created in less than ideal circumstances,” but, they say, “we’re very happy with the final result.”
In fact, the band says they’re “ecstatic to finally get this EP out to the public. Local reception to our demo, released in August 2019, was very good, and we think our EP will impress many more people.” Incidentally, it was Coagulate frontman Andrew MV who tipped us to this overtly promising young trio.
Begravement go on: “As a band that has yet to play a show (our first two were cancelled at the onset of the pandemic) this EP is pretty much our only chance to expand our audience now. We think we’ve put a fresh twist on an older style and can’t wait for the metal community to hear it.”