Out next Friday on west coast underground resistance Forbidden Sonority, De Misère & D’Engelures is the debut full-length from Montréal-based black metal/folk trio Moulin Banal. We first introduced our readers to Moulin Banal’s lo-fi-yet-dynamic style of black metal back in April 2019, but on their long-awaited LP Moulin Banal seem to open the panels and reveal a whole world of sounds within these nine tracks that make up De Misère & D’Engelures.
“De Misere & D’Engelures is a black metal representation of ancient times in Quebec, also known as Nouvelle-France at the time,” explains Comte Bergaby, the band’s vocalist, guitarist, bassist and former drummer. “It balances between cold harsh black metal and warm but tragic folk melodies.” Bergaby continues, “One side of the project reflects the old suffering while its reflection usually focuses on the brighter side, such as the love of a new life and the benefits of honest work. We explore legends stories of our land but we also created a fiction throughout the album; some of the texts are seen through the eyes of a French settler, others tracks like ‘Le Revenant de Gentilly’ are based on myths from the province.” He concludes with: “‘Vive le Quebec libre!’”