Warlockery and a deep hatred for mankind have brought forth USBM pact Shaidar Logoth’s third full-length work, Chapter III: The Void God. In the decade since their first tape, the cult Chapter I: The Peddler, these Minnesotan accomplices to the apocalypse have grown from humble initiates into the dark realm to—as exhibited on their third chapter—final-form phantomlords capable of destruction on a massive scale.
“We wanted to complete the story both lyrically and musically,” writes the band. “The Peddler has been summoned as The Void God through dark ritual, and has decided to destroy the world and remake it in his image. The record explores the destructive and creative aspects of chaos, and is meant to sound like it’s sort of coming apart at the seams.” They continue, “Although it was primarily written and recorded 2 years ago, it couldn’t have come out at a more appropriate time. Sometimes you just need to tear everything down.”
Today we assist Shaidar Logoth in unveiling “Anguish Cradle,” the latest single from Chapter III: The Void God the third and final installment in their trilogy. Over three years in the making, Shaidar Logoth’s third album enfolds four epic tracks into one earth-shattering experience. From the eye of that chaos, this is “Anguish Cradle.”
Quote Shaidar Logoth: “When there is nothing of redeeming value, when all that’s left is malevolence and bitterness and woe, the only thing to do is to damn it all to the void and start over from scratch.”
“Anguish Cradle”
Preorder Chapter III: The Void God from Sentient Ruin today
Get the European version of the vinyl LP from Cavsas