This one’s a ripper. Enter Immiseration, the soon-to-be kings of the Baltimore extreme music scene. Featuring current and former members of Noisem, At the Graves, Sloth Herder, Foehammer and others, the fledgling death metal band have embraced sludgy death metal dissonance on their debut EP, Alienation of Humanity.
While there are still a few weeks to go before the official release of Alienation of Humanity (score a ticket to the release show here), Decibel doesn’t like waiting, so enjoy an official premiere of the EP’s title track. If you’re a fan of Immolation, Morbid Angel or newer acts like Succumb, there’s a lot to enjoy about the down-tuned aural hellscape Immiseration unleash. Thematically, it’s not much brighter.
“This song is about the long-term dehumanization the ruling class subjects us to, both musically and lyrically,” guitarist and vocalist Ben Price explains. “It also explores the corrupting influence of power, even on a well-meaning movement.”
Alienation of Humanity is out on March 8.