Prepare for your next (very intense) spiritual experience.
Mæntrə is a new band out of San Francisco consisting of Rudy Pina (guitar, vocals and programming) Adam Houmam (drums and vocals) and Paul Ryan (bass and vocals). Yes, that’s Paul Ryan, the mastermind behind modern tech-death heroes Origin. And if you enjoy the brutal sounds he creates in that band, but wish you could add a dose of Fear Factory, Godflesh and Nocturnus into the mix: you need to listen to this band.
Here at Decibel, we are proud to unleash the band onto the world, along with their debut song, “Ramadasa.” So what is this band all about, conceptually? And what does “Ramadasa” mean anyway? Let’s let Rudy enlighten us a little bit
Mæntrə’s inspiration from day one thrives on transforming negative energy into a self-healing power to expand consciousness, restore balance and conquer fears. Our first single “Ramadasa” taps into the energies of the sun, moon, earth, and the infinite spirit which ultimately forms the process of self love and self healing within, but also can be projected to anyone with whom you choose to share it.
The theme of self-healing may seem a bit peculiar for band with such a brutal and seemingly ferocious sound. However, fans of extreme metal (this one included) often say that the music’s cathartic power is what draws them to to it. In other words, music that’s horribly abrasive and obnoxious to some can be just as healing and life-affirming to others.
In that sense, the band’s mission statement makes all the sense in the world. It doesn’t hurt to have such a talented set of players to back it up. Let’s hope for more of this enthusiastic healing power in the months to come. You can keep tabs on the band at their Bandcamp page.