Avslut are Swedish. True Swedish black metal. And their world is no fun. This statement, provided to Decibel via one of Avslut’s most trusted couriers, says: “The second single from the long-awaited album Tyranni from Avslut is called ‘Underjordens Apostlar.’ This track embodies a misanthropic nature, is a true testament of hate towards mankind and exploring the urge to wage war on humanity itself. Explosive, aggressive and truly malevolent.” Clearly the Swedes aren’t fucking around on “Underjordens Apostlar,” the track we’re premiering with slightly hesitant feels. In fact, the last time Decibel and Avslut crossed paths (HERE), we had the same anxiety towards our tenuous relationship with Sweden’s ugliest, meanest, and most violent black metal export.
For a band that dawned (or, formed on the wave of night’s malice) in 2016, the Swedes have ventured far. The group’s debut, Deceptis, earned high marks for carrying the torch of true Swedish black metal. That is to say, from the cusp of darkness and in the tradition of Dark Funeral, Setherial, Dissection, Necrophobic, and, of course, Marduk, the Swedes’ aggressive yet morosely melodic black is weaponized for the oncoming assault of the faithful. There is no other outcome but resounding victory, and “Underjordens Apostlar” will serve as the song of the victorious, mercilessly blasting the Heavens as eviscerated and disfigured angels fall from on high.
The divine countenance shows tremendous loss on this late October Monday. Let Avslut continue to lead the way! Here’s the horns of Hell in Avslut’s “Underjordens Apostlar”!