Worship at the altar of true doom with Night Gaunt‘s sophomore album, The Room. Clocking in at eight tracks of hypnotic, hefty doom, the Italian troupe will lull you into a trance for the entirety of The Room‘s almost-40-minute run time.
“The Room is about death and the grieving process, something we all have experienced once in our lifetime,” Night Gaunt explained to Decibel. “We tried convey all the emotions one feels during those moments: each song (minus the opener) refers to a precise stage of grief and the feelings behind it.
“The “Room” as a physical space has a double meaning: one refers to the rituality of the wake of a dead person, which in Italy still has characteristic features (such as the covering of the mirrors, flowers, the ceremonial lament, the violet color, the mourning dresses etc.., especially in Southern Italy), the other refers to the place where you find yourself facing the news of a loss, alone, with all your thoughts, memories, fears etc..
“After lot of work, being it composition, growing up as a band and processing some personal harsh times that influenced a lot the gestation of this work, we are happy to share it with you!”
Sound pretty doom to us. The Room is out November 2 on Terror from Hell.