The email subject line said “Got WOORMS?”, referring to the Baton Rouge, Louisiana sludge punks and not the intestinal parasites. I didn’t then, but I do now and I want you to catch WOORMS too.
New song “Mouth is a Wound” falls more on the sludgy side, offering tooth-rattling bass and some serious drum bashing courtesy of Aaron Polk. Those instruments are shrouded in layers of crawling riffs, feedback and noise, topped off with comically over-the-top samples about demonic possession and biblical directives and neatly packaged with vocals from guitarist Joey Carbo and bassist John Robinson.
Of course, it wasn’t enough to just pulverize your spine musically; lyrically, we can all relate to what WOORMS are feeling on “Mouth is a Wound.”
“This is a smart-assed song about how sometimes you can feel you’re at the mercy of things far out of your reach,” Carbo says. “Like, have nature and nurture turned me into a prick? Has a less than savory genetic code made me a babbling fuckwit? Sometimes charming people is a breeze. Sometimes you come off like a mouth breather. That’s all this song is, I guess. It’s just a way to say: don’t look at me; mommy and daddy were knuckle draggers and should never have been allowed to get their hands on one another, but they were and so this is what we’ve got to work with. Glory, glory to the highest.”
With that, we give you “Mouth is a Wound.” WOORMS will release Slake in January, but you can find the single on Bandcamp now.